The Idea of the ICT Law Review

Dear Readers!

Our quarterly is an interdisciplinary project dealing with the following issues:

- cybercrime and cyberterrorism,

- copyrights in digital era,

- current trends in information forensics,

- social media law,

- personal data,

- mobile services security,

- e-banking,

- telecommunications law,

- privacy protection, and

- biometrics.

Our aim is to show a wide spectrum of the above subjects because we believe that every phenomenon is multi-faced; therefore, only holistic evaluation can lead to constructive conclusions and bring about improvement.

We would like to invite you to become a member of our team. How to do that? Submit your article to our quarterly. What will you get in return? Academic review of your paper and exceptional opportunity for the exchange of ideas.

You’ll find more information about our functioning ->clik! or deadlines for submission of papers – here.

You can also contact us directly via email at:

Do not hesitate to join us!

Beata Marek,
